Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Juice Cleanse (aka 72 hours without food!)

Today makes one week since I aced my first-ever juice cleanse. I went 72 hours (that's three days!) without food, and I'm pretty ecstatic.
A proper cleanse to reboot my system had been high on my to-do list, but I worried about the no food ground rule. Could I go a day, or heck, three hours, without chewing ... something? Eek!
But alas, I had come down with a bad cold and my appetite dissapeared along with my energy, making it now-or-never timing.
Each morning I picked up nutrient-rich juices from Pressed Juicery, which offers comprehensive juice cleanse programs at three locations in L.A.
I did Cleanse #1, the easiest plan where you drink six special juices every two hours along with chlorophyll for hydration as needed and aloe vera an hour before bed for digestion. Two "greens," or vegetable-based juices, and two "roots" are joined by a "detox" juice and an "almond milk" concoction that is brilliantly left for last so you have something scrumptious to pine for.
From my hair that's miraculously shinier to my skin, legs and digestive system that's been a rock star, the cleanse has brought about some fantastic results.
I plan to do one every three or four months, and my mom is even thinking of having these little juices shipped her way so she can see what the new-age fuss is about!