Saturday, March 24, 2012

Misadventures in Cross-Stitching

I decided I need more hobbies, things to do and explore beyond work. Naturally, I went out and bought a beginner's cross-stitch pattern so I could tap into my burgeoning arts & crafts prowess.

Easier. said. than. done!

I stiched my first 10 squares that was the starting point for my cute cupcake pattern before realizing I had threaded my needle with three full yellow threads instead of much tinier, individual strands per the directions. So when it came time to cross-stitch back over those 10 squares, it was near impossible to pull my needle chock-a-block with thread through the fabric.

"Man, this is a great forearm workout," I thought as I tried to yank and jam the needle through the other side of the damn fabric.

And then my mistake dawned on me, and all I could do was laugh -- the cupcake cross-stitch kit is labeled "for kids ages 8+."

* The thick, full threads that I had used instead of individual strands

* My first row of 10 yellow squares bursting with too much thread