Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Buzz, Buzz, Buzzzz....

Here I am playing cool in my protective suit, just before meeting the Italian honeybees at Carmel Valley Ranch.

Full Disclosure: I was nervous!

I visited this cool,summer camp-inspired resort a few weeks ago for work, where as part of the beekeeping experience I was schooled in the fascinating lives of bees and then spied on them in the apiary, or bee yard.

It was like magic -- the beekeeper lifted a wooden slab from a white structure concealing a hive, and I witnessed masses of bees depositing pollen balls into the honeycomb, harvesting honey, talking, and even the birth of a baby bee. Upon poking through the protective layer coating the comb, the newborn bee used her wobbly legs for the very first time.

And they were so well-behaved. The bees were quiet and carrying on as we peeked into their little world.

This experience reminds me you can't always judge a book by its cover -- people, places, ideas, and bees, they can surprise you if you let them...